Two learning models compared:
e-learning and blended learning

Two learning models compared: e-learning and blended learning
Blended learning, blended or hybrid learning, is a teaching method involving the integration of innovative teaching technologies (e-learning) with traditional training activities held in classrooms.

E-learning thus implies a digital environment hinging on learning paths creation, organisation, management and delivery, not tied to any physical presence in the classroom, therefore remotely, according to an agenda that can potentially be customised to achieve the expected learning outcomes.


Advantages of e-learning

Wide range of learning paths

The student is offered a wide choice of learning programmes without the constraint of physical presence

Access to content

Content is accessible from any type of device and can also be downloaded for later use.

Always-on content

Contents (slides, pdf, videos) are always available for use on the learning portal


A help desk system to provide assistance to students
in the event of problems accessing or using courses

E-learning and Moodle

As an IT consulting company, we help our clients
to implement online courses on the Moodle platform,
an Open Source Learning Management System (LMS),
providing a comprehensive and customised consultancy service
on innovative methodologies and technologies for education.

Customised counselling

we analyse the educational needs of the client and the target group (universities, companies, etc.) aimed at, as well as how Moodle can be used to meet these needs

Designing learning pathways

we give recommendations on Moodle functionalities and best practices for creating and managing an effective online course, including user management and access to the platform


we create the portal and customise the graphical appearance of the portal according to the customer's needs so that it reflects their identity or branding

Content creation and management

we either guide the customer through the creation of learning content or manage its implementation to new portals on Moodle


we select and setup the plugins required for managing
the functional flows of the platform, creating plugins and modules
(ad hoc) at the customer's request

Evaluation and reporting

we evaluate the effectiveness of courses and content delivered through data analysis and feedback provided by the system

Set-up and bringing online

we implement the server architecture bringing the platform online

Providing training and support

we provide training courses to support platform managers
and teachers, implementing a first- and second-level
help desk to use the platform